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tcForum/Teste si probleme logice/Teste on-line Moderat de feedback  
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Locatie: romania,bucuresti
Inregistat: 31/07/08
Corect: 12 (75%)
Total: 16

Domnul este pastorul meu

28/08/08 11:33


Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
oooo elena! :D eu am facut putin, bine, nici nu am stat sa ma gandesc asa cum trebuie...

never regret something that once made you smile...

28/08/08 12:52


Locatie: Cluj-Napoca (Ploiesti)
Inregistat: 04/01/08
Corect: 10 (63%)

A passion lifestyle.

29/08/08 18:29


Locatie: Cluj :D
Inregistat: 22/11/06
am facut si eu ala cu numele..si se pare ca numele mele sunt compatibile intre ele si...se pare ca si cu mine...in mare parte m-o nimerit :D
What Marta means
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

What Tamara means
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. 

la cel cu varsta creierului am facut o singura data...22 ani.. interesant...a imbatranit creierul meu inaintea mea..[poate o fi si din cauza problemelor pe care le am cu ochii...si am observat ceva ciudat... unde aparea 5, greseam]

Ultima modificare de tamarta4jc (02/09/08 12:02)

"Nu varsta aduce intelepciunea, nu batranetea te face in stare sa judeci. Iata de ce zic: Ascultati-ma! Imi voi spune si eu parerea"  Iov32:9, 10

02/09/08 12:00


Locatie: Mutat: Suceava - România
Inregistat: 11/12/06
Corect:      10      (63%)
Total:     16

Omul de care se foloseste Dumnezeu

02/09/08 12:15

Site web  

Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
un test despre animale : http://teste.haios.ro/teste.php?lang=ro ... mp;sct=107

Ultima modificare de fluflu (05/09/08 16:02)

never regret something that once made you smile...

02/09/08 20:43


Locatie: Cluj-Napoca (Ploiesti)
Inregistat: 04/01/08
corect 14 din 25 - 56%

A passion lifestyle.

02/09/08 21:12


Locatie: acasa la mine :)
Inregistat: 30/05/07
Corect:      15      (60%)
ceva e ceva ;))

Love Makes The World Go Round

02/09/08 21:24


Locatie: langa ape.
Inregistat: 07/10/06
Corect: 19 din 25 76%

02/09/08 21:27


Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
Corect: 18      (72%)
Total:     25     

:D :D

never regret something that once made you smile...

03/09/08 12:34


Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
http://teste.haios.ro/teste.php?lang=ro ... mp;sct=157
voi ce punctaj ati facut?

1264 e al meu :)

never regret something that once made you smile...

15/12/08 17:55


Inregistat: 31/10/08

Ultima modificare de Rik... (12/07/09 23:43)

29/12/08 00:29


Locatie: ploiesti,romania
Inregistat: 15/12/08
5+5+5=550....cum este posibil?da este posibil,pt k trebuie trasa doar o linie si ecuatia devine adevarata..straduiti-va.....va sunt alaturi de pe margine:)

01/01/09 20:44


Inregistat: 31/10/08

Ultima modificare de Rik... (12/07/09 23:42)

01/01/09 21:06


Inregistat: 13/03/06
eu nu inteleg cum de v-a iesit voua punctajul ala la testul lui fluflu.eu l-am facut de cateva ori si mai mult de 300 si  ceva nu mi-a iesit :(

I only fear that I don’t have enough time left to tell the world that there’s no time left!

09/01/09 01:55


Locatie: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistat: 27/05/07

1399 Na na naaaa, jeeeeezzzyyy :P

Ultima modificare de benny (09/01/09 02:33)

"Nu-mi daţi sfaturi. Ştiu să greşesc şi singur!" [Immanuel Kant]

09/01/09 02:33


Inregistat: 13/03/06
bai, voi trisati :D

I only fear that I don’t have enough time left to tell the world that there’s no time left!

09/01/09 02:34


Locatie: Cluj :D
Inregistat: 22/11/06
[eu am intrat pe linkurile alea, dar n-am gasit nimic :(  ]

"Nu varsta aduce intelepciunea, nu batranetea te face in stare sa judeci. Iata de ce zic: Ascultati-ma! Imi voi spune si eu parerea"  Iov32:9, 10

09/01/09 10:14


Locatie: Ploiesti, RO
Inregistat: 05/07/06
Hmmm... mie mi-a dat 1212. Desi la highscores am vazut punctaje de peste 6000. Cred ca puncteaza si timpul in care se rezolva.

Na, c-am reusit si un 2222. Incercati sa il faceti cat mai repede.

Si... 3030. Mai incercam! :D

Ultima modificare de +Archangel+ (09/01/09 12:13)

A sti nu inseamna a fi!

09/01/09 12:00


Locatie: Cluj :D
Inregistat: 22/11/06
[fratilor, surorilor.. voi unde ati intrat? ca mie mi-au aparut zeci de teste :rolleyes: ]

"Nu varsta aduce intelepciunea, nu batranetea te face in stare sa judeci. Iata de ce zic: Ascultati-ma! Imi voi spune si eu parerea"  Iov32:9, 10

09/01/09 12:02


Locatie: going over Jordan
Inregistat: 08/11/06
daca intri pe linku dat de fluflu iti merge ,apare un cadran mare verde in care zice click here to begin si dai acolo ,si te mai intreaba faza asta o data .
  Eu cred ca cu cat faci mai multe raspunsuri in 2 minute te puncteaza mai mult ,probabil sunt o groaza de intrebari .

"se spune ca-i nevoie de curaj pentru-a muri, eu spun ca trebuie curaj pentru-a trai; si stii ca toti oamenii mor, dar nu toti oamenii traiesc .. e greu cand trebuie sa treci zilnic inca un test."

09/01/09 12:28


Inregistat: 10/03/08
la testul cu animale am obtinut Corect: 16 din totalul de 25 (64%)

Dumnezeu sa-ti dea un curcubeu la fiecare furtuna,un zambet la fiecare lacrima,o binecuvantare la fiecare pas si un raspuns la fiecare intrebare!!!

09/01/09 14:52


Locatie: langa ape.
Inregistat: 07/10/06
1522 doar :(

26/03/09 11:09


Locatie: Avrig-Sibiu, Romania
Inregistat: 29/02/08
ce enervant e jocul :))



27/03/09 09:05

Site web  

Locatie: langa ape.
Inregistat: 07/10/06
test de indemanare : http://www.sysdesign.ro/ras/antistres.html

17/04/09 21:33

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